LCV and Chispa LCV Statement on EPA’s Heavy Duty Trucks Rule and Updated Clean Car Standards

Contact: Kyra Madunich-Arevalo,

Washington D.C. – In response to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) releasing proposed rules to reduce emissions from heavy-duty vehicles and light- and medium-duty cars and SUVs, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) and Chispa LCV issued the following statements:

“This is a positive step and LCV appreciates that EPA is limiting emissions from cars, SUVs, and medium- and heavy-duty trucks, which harm public health and disproportionately impact low-income communities and communities of color,” said Matthew Davis, Vice President of Federal Policy. “We’re all in to ensure the final rules are even stronger – the EPA must do more to address harmful emissions from cars and trucks, the largest source of climate pollution. Federal clean energy investments are spurring the innovation we need, and stronger final rules will ensure that vehicle manufacturers go farther and faster to drive us to a zero-emissions transportation future. Now is the time to ensure that federal regulations are made as strong as the climate crisis and public health crises require.”

“Chispa LCV welcomes this new proposal and more must be done to strengthen clean car standards and better regulate the deadly emissions that heavy-duty trucks emit,” said Senior Vice President of Community and Civic Engagement Sandra Pérez González. “Communities of color and low income communities living near the shipping, freight, and delivery industries’ hubs are especially burdened with the devastating effects diesel trucks have on respiratory health. In order to deliver on President Biden’s commitments, EPA must finalize stronger rules to help ensure that all communities, especially those on the frontlines of environmental injustice, have access to clean air.”

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