LCV and Chispa Statements on SCOTUS Oral Arguments in Ohio v. EPA

Washington, D.C.— In response to today’s Supreme Court oral arguments in Ohio v. EPA, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) and Chispa released the following statements:

“We are alarmed that extremist MAGA justices on the Supreme Court continue to threaten bare-minimum federal protections for clean air, the health of our communities, and the future of our planet,” said Vice President of Federal Policy and former EPA scientist Matthew Davis. “Our communities need the EPA to be able to protect us from pollution and environmental injustice, and we need judges to follow the law instead of twisting it to serve the Big Polluters and other far-right interests. Air pollution doesn’t stop at a neighborhood or a state line. Just in the last two years, the Supreme Court’s far-right majority has rolled back protections for our waterways and limited EPA’s tools to fight climate pollution. Our communities, our planet, and our democracy deserve better. The Supreme Court must get out of the way and allow the EPA’s Good Neighbor Rule to move forward.”


“We all deserve the right to breathe clean air, and the Clean Air Act has helped protect communities from the worst effects of air pollution. Still, our communities of color are 61% more likely to live in a county with unhealthy air, despite income level or neighborhood,” said Chispa National Senior Director Estefany Carrasco-Gonzalez. “Our comunidades continue to live with the effects of poor air quality, and continue to fight for our right to breathe clean air. What we need is our own government and courts to protect the people, not the profits of the industries that have for decades gotten away with polluting our air for their benefit.”


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