Alexa Aispuro

Chisaps Bus

LCV and Chispa Statement on VP Harris’ Clean School Buses Announcement

Washington, D.C. — In response to Vice President Kamala Harris’ visit to an electric school bus manufacturer in North Carolina today where she highlighted the proposed $20 billion investment in clean, electric school buses in the American Jobs Plan, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) and Chispa issued the following statement from Chispa National Director Johana Vicente: “Vice President Harris is a true champion for kids and families facing the worst environmental pollution. After years of parents, students, and advocates organizing and speaking out for a clean ride for kids in their communities and statehouses, we were so proud to see the Biden-Harris administration include $20 billion in the American Jobs Plan to electrify school buses. “This investment is a great starting point to create more good-paying manufacturing jobs here in the U.S. and ensure that all niños can breathe cleaner air in the formative years when their lungs are developing. We look forward to working with the Biden-Harris administration and Congress to get bold investments across the finish line for low-income communities of color who are most impacted by toxic pollution.” As a Senator, Kamala Harris introduced the first piece of federal legislation to prioritize the electrification of school buses in low-income communities and communities of color, the Clean School Bus Act. Source :

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Zero Emission School Bus

LCV, Chispa Statements on Introduction of Clean Future Act

Washington, D.C. — In response to Chairmen Pallone, Tonko, and Rush’s introduction of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s CLEAN Future Act, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) and Chispa released the following statements: “We commend Chairmen Pallone, Tonko and Rush for putting forth the first comprehensive climate bill in a decade. We appreciate the increased ambition in the CLEAN Future Act, especially the focus on reaching 100% clean electricity by 2035 and the investment of $25 billion over the next decade in clean electric school buses with a focus on targeting investments in Black, Indigenous and communities of color and low income communities most harmed by toxic pollution,” said LCV Vice President of Government Affairs Sara Chieffo. “We look forward to digging into this comprehensive legislation and working with the Energy & Commerce committee as they refine and advance this legislation. We must tackle the climate crisis at the scale and pace required in a manner that addresses racial and social inequality, centers environmental justice and creates good, family-sustaining, union jobs.” “We applaud Representatives Hayes and Cárdenas for this bold investment to accelerate the transition of the nation’s fleet from dirty, diesel-fueled school buses to zero-emission, electric school buses,” said Chispa National Director Johana Vicente. “Investing $25 billion to help 25 million children riding school buses breathe cleaner air in the formative years when their lungs are developing will make a big difference in their lives. Directing significant portions of this funding to low-income communities of color, who face the worst effects of environmental pollution, will ensure that we are addressing the needs of impacted communities first. After years of parents, students, and advocates organizing for a clean ride for kids, we are excited to work with Congress to pass funding to bring more electric school buses to communities throughout the country.” Source :

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Zero Emission Schoo Bus

Re: Electric School Bus Coalition Urges Biden-Harris Administration to Accelerate Electric School Bus Transition

Today, Chispa, the community organizing program of League of Conservation Voters (LCV), in conjunction with the Electric School Bus (ESB) Coalition, sent a letter to President Biden and Vice President Harris urging the administration to invest $25 billion over 10 years to accelerate the electric transition of the nation’s school bus fleet — prioritizing low-income communities of color who bear the highest pollution burden and worst air quality. Read the full letter below: Source:

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Chisaps Bus

Coalition Response to Clean School Bus Act

Electric School Bus Advocates Welcome Re-Introduction of the Clean School Bus Act in Congress as First Step Washington, D.C. — Today, Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV), Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Rep. Jahana Hayes (D-CT), and Rep. Tony Cárdenas (D-CA)  reintroduced the Clean School Bus Act in the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives. Electric school buses advocates — who are part of the national Electric School Bus (ESB) Coalition, a diverse partnership of civil society organizations representing equity, labor, public health, clean energy, and environmental organizations — issued the following statements: Johana Vicente, National Director of Chispa, a community organizing program of the League of Conservation Voters, said:“We thank Senators Cortez Masto and Murray and Representatives Hayes and Cárdenas for leading this effort to help school districts upgrade from diesel-fueled school buses to zero-emission school buses. This is a strong down payment on our way to reaching full electrification of the nation’s school bus fleet. We know that we need so much more to ensure that 25 million children, especially in communities of color and low-income communities, are breathing healthy air on their way to school and in their neighborhoods. We look forward to working together to boost funding to accelerate the transition of the U.S. polluting school bus fleet to zero emissions.” Susan Mudd, Senior Policy Advocate, Environmental Law & Policy Center (ELPC), said:“We look forward to kids getting back to school. The 25 million U.S. children who ride on school buses every day deserve a clean, healthy ride instead of breathing asthma-inducing fumes from dirty diesel buses. We need to replace the dirty diesel fleet with zero-emission electric buses that protect students’ health, their communities and the climate. We welcome the Clean School Bus Act, which will help support the transition to pollution-free electric buses across the Midwest and the country.” Athena Motavvef, Associate Legislative Representative with Earthjustice, said:“Electrifying our nation’s school bus fleet is an important step towards reaching our goal of zero emissions and 100% clean energy. The Clean School Bus Act puts us on the path to eliminating the diesel emissions too many children breathe, and protects our local air and climate. We are thankful for Senator Cortez Masto, Senator Murray, and Representative Hayes’ and Representative Cárdenas’ leadership on this important effort and look forward to working with them to ensure a zero-emissions future for future generations.”  Michelle Romero, National Director of Dream Corps Green For All, said:“Electric school buses have zero tailpipe emissions, toxins, and carcinogens known to cause asthma and cancer, which means our kids can breathe easier,” said Michelle Romero, National Director of Dream Corps Green For All. “The Clean School Bus Act is an important step to put our kids on buses going forward toward a clean energy future that is safer and healthier for both kids and communities as schools reopen for in-person learning.” Ethan Evans, Campaign Associate at U.S. Public Interest Research Group (U.S. PIRG), said:“Getting to school shouldn’t include a daily dose of toxic pollution or contribute to our warming climate. We’re grateful to Senator Cortez Masto, Senator Murray, Representative Hayes and Representative Cardenas for putting childrens’ health first and championing electric school buses. The Clean School Bus Act will help tackle the existential threat of climate change, clean up our air and accelerate the process towards a zero-emission future.” Source:

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