Press Release

Las inhumanas Ć³rdenes ejecutivas de Trump dirigidas hacia inmigrantes amenazan a todas las comunidades y los derechos civiles

Para Distribucion Inmediata 20 de enero, 2025 Contacto: Mika Hyer,, 940-783-2230 En EspaƱol: Elena Gaona,, 202-907-9717 Declaraciones de LCV y Chispa sobre las acciones de la administraciĆ³n Trump dirigidas hacia las comunidades inmigrantes Washington, D.C. ā€” En respuesta a la avalancha de Ć³rdenes ejecutivas y acciones por la nueva administraciĆ³n Trump dirigidas a los inmigrantes, sus familias y comunidades, la Liga de Votantes por la ConservaciĆ³n (LCV) y Chispa emitieron las siguientes declaraciones: ā€œLas Ć³rdenes ejecutivas inhumanas de Trump dirigidas hacia los inmigrantes para obtener beneficios polĆ­ticos daƱarĆ” la privacidad y los derechos civiles fundamentales de comunidades por todo el paĆ­s, independientemente de su ciudadanĆ­a o estatus migratorioā€, dijo Tiernan Sittenfeld, vicepresidente senior de Asuntos Gubernamentales del Fondo de AcciĆ³n de LCV. “Estas medidas abominables – llegando incluso hasta la revocaciĆ³n inconstitucional de la ciudadanĆ­a por nacimiento – no se tratan de la seguridad nacional ni de la protecciĆ³n de las comunidades, y demuestran la inquietante crueldad que Trump y sus aliados han prometido aplicar contra las comunidades de inmigrantes y de color, lo que tendrĆ” consecuencias no deseadas y de serias consecuencias para todos los ciudadanos y sus derechos civiles. Los inmigrantes han sido vitales para la economĆ­a de este paĆ­s desde sus inicios y, a nivel mundial, con demasiada frecuencia estĆ”n desproporcionadamente en la primera lĆ­nea de la crisis climĆ”tica provocada por los combustibles fĆ³siles y la contaminaciĆ³n que han hecho que sus comunidades sean inhabitables. LCV seguirĆ” trabajando con nuestros aliados a nivel estatal, local y federal para ayudar a proteger a las comunidades, sin importar su estatus migratorio, de estas polĆ­ticas caĆ³ticas e inhumanas destinadas a desmantelar familias y comunidadesā€. *** ā€œLas acciones migratorias de hoy por parte de la nueva administraciĆ³n son inhumanas, ineficaces, deshonestas y excesivamente costosas mientras nuestro pais lucha por fortalecerse economicamente y abordar cuestiones crĆ­ticas como el costo de los gastos diarios y un ambiente seguro y saludable. No vamos a tolerar mas deshumanizaciĆ³n y el tratar de eliminar a nuestras comunidades mediante propuestas de soluciones falsas y la militarizaciĆ³n para atacarnos,ā€ dijo la directora senior de Chispa, Estefany Carrasco-GonzĆ”lez. “Las comunidades de inmigrantes de todos los orĆ­genes hacen a nuestro paĆ­s mejor y mĆ”s fuerte, desde ayudar a que nuestras ciudades florezcan hasta contribuir a nuestras comunidades rurales e incluso ayudar a Los Ɓngeles a recuperarse de los actuales incendios forestales provocados por el cambio climĆ”tico. Nos inspira la innovaciĆ³n, la entrega comunitaria y la dedicacion de comunidades inmigrantes, y son un pilar de la economĆ­a de innumerables maneras. Sabemos que nuestra lucha por la justicia climĆ”tica estĆ” directamente relacionada con la justicia inmigrante. Las acciones de hoy y el abuso de poder causarĆ”n daƱos a largo plazo a vecindarios enteros, familias y economĆ­as locales para el beneficio polĆ­tico de unos pocos. Chispa continuarĆ” organizando a nuestra base para construir protecciones y poder en todo el paĆ­s y trabajarĆ” con aliados y agencias federales, estatales y locales para defender a todas nuestras comunidades frente a este odioso ataqueā€. ###

Las inhumanas Ć³rdenes ejecutivas de Trump dirigidas hacia inmigrantes amenazan a todas las comunidades y los derechos civiles Read More Ā»

Trump’s Inhumane Executive Orders Targeting Immigrants Threaten All Communities and Civil Rights

For Immediate Release January 20, 2025 Contact: Mika Hyer,, 940-783-2230 En EspaƱol: Elena Gaona,, 202-907-9717 LCV and Chispa Statements on Trump Administration Actions Targeting Immigrant Communitiesc Washington, D.C. ā€” In response to the new Trump administration’s flurry of executive orders and actions targeting immigrants, their families, and communities, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) and Chispa released the following statements: ā€œTrumpā€™s inhumane executive orders targeting immigrants for political gain will harm the privacy and fundamental civil liberties of communities across the country, regardless of their citizenship or immigration status,ā€ said LCV Action Fund Senior Vice President of Government Affairs Tiernan Sittenfeld. “These abhorrent executive orders ā€” going as far as the unconstitutional revocation of birthright citizenship ā€“ are not about national security or protecting communities; they demonstrate the disturbing cruelty Trump and his allies have promised to enact against immigrant communities and communities of color ā€” which will have far-reaching and unintended consequences for all citizens and their civil rights. Immigrants have been vital to the economy of this country since its inception, and globally they are too often disproportionately on the frontlines of the fossil-fueled climate crisis and pollution that have made their communities unlivable. LCV will continue to work with our partners at the state, local, and federal levels to help protect communities, no matter their immigration status, from these chaotic and inhumane policies intended to dismantle families and communities.ā€  *** ā€œTodayā€™s immigration actions from the new administration are inhumane, ineffective, dishonest, and excessively costly as our nation works to become financially stronger and address critical issues like the affordability of living expenses and safe and healthy environments. We will not tolerate the further dehumanization and erasure of our communities through proposed false solutions and militarization to attack us,” said Chispa Senior Director Estefany Carrasco-GonzĆ”lez. “Immigrant communities of all backgrounds make our country better and stronger, from helping our cities flourish to contributing to our rural communities to helping Los Angeles recover from the current climate change-driven wildfires. We are inspired by immigrant communities’ innovation, community building, dedicated engagement, and being a pillar of the economy in countless ways, and we know our fight for climate justice is directly connected to immigrant justice. Todayā€™s actions and abuse of power will cause long-term damage to entire neighborhoods, families, and local economies for the political profit of a few. Chispa will continue organizing our base to build protections and power across the country and work with federal, state, and local jurisdictions and partners to defend all our communities in the face of this hateful targeting.ā€ ###

Trump’s Inhumane Executive Orders Targeting Immigrants Threaten All Communities and Civil Rights Read More Ā»

LCV and Chispa Statements on DOE Study Results on LNG 

For Immediate Release 12/17/2024 Contact:  Elena Gaona,, 202-907-9717 Washington, D.C.: In response to the Department of Energyā€™s newly released analysis on the environmental and economic impacts of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) exports, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) and Chispa Texas released the following statements: ā€œWith higher costs and more harmful pollution, these studies further underscore that continued LNG exports only benefits oil and gas executives seeking to pad their profits,ā€ said LCV Vice President of Government Affairs Sara Chieffo. ā€œThese studies clearly show that continuing the massive buildout of LNG exports is a bad bet for the economy with harmful environmental impacts ā€“ raising energy prices for families, increasing costs for manufacturers and endangering the health of frontline communities already overburdened by pollution and the climate crisis. With such negative impacts from LNG exports, itā€™s clear the Biden-Harris administration was right to take the time to do this evaluation. It is also clearer than ever that continued buildout of LNG exports is not in the public interest. To keep energy affordable and pollution from getting out of control, we must heed the results of these studies and DOE should move to deny new LNG exports projects. ā€ For more information, see  LCVā€™s LNG fact sheet.  *** ā€œWe all lose with Liquefied Natural Gas ā€œLNGā€ exports. It only makes the rich richer while raising prices and poisoning us,ā€ said Chispa Texas Program Director Elida Castillo. ā€œThis new DOE study helps further demonstrate that our Gulf communities who are being harmed every day by the toxic emissions of formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide, etc. that come from LNG facilities shouldnā€™t continue to be sacrificed in the name of the false promise of cheaper fuel. These exported fracked gas shipments are driving up foreign and domestic energy costs around the world, contributing to inflation and increasing what we all pay for everyday items. The price also comes with poisoned water and more methane emissions. In short, the only winners here are a small group of LNG facility owners and their shareholders who have been making billions at the cost of our health, communities, environment, and pocketbooks. Chispa Texas will keep working with our frontline communities to submit comments to the Department of Energy to strengthen their analysis and offer a fuller picture of all the ways LNG harms our communities.ā€ ###

LCV and Chispa Statements on DOE Study Results on LNG  Read More Ā»

LCV and Chispa Statements on Latest Biden-Harris Administration Transportation Announcements

For Immediate Release December 11, 2024 Contact: Mika Hyer,, 940-783-2230 En EspaƱol: Elena Gaona,, 202-907-9717 Washington, D.C.ā€” Today, the Biden-Harris administration announced the awardees for the Clean Heavy Duty Vehicle Grant Program. In response to this announcement, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) and Chispa released the following statements: ā€œThe Biden-Harris administration continues to work around the clock, today delivering $700 million of affordable clean energy plan investments to replace dirty diesel trucks and buses polluting our communities,” said LCVā€™s Government Affairs Advocate for Climate & Clean Energy Darien Davis. ā€œThese grants will help to tackle the climate crisis and reduce transportation pollution in communities across the country, especially in underserved communities who disproportionately experience air pollution and the impacts of fossil-fueled climate change. The Clean Heavy Duty Vehicle Program will help to create good union jobs for workers who build them and install and maintain charging infrastructure for heavy-duty vehicles and is just one of the many investments in the Inflation Reduction Act to help provide affordable, clean energy solutions to families and ensure the clean energy future is made by and for communities in the United States.ā€ *** ā€œWe are very excited for the communities that applied and were selected for a Clean Heavy Duty Vehicle grant today! This means more electric school buses and healthier air for our children and comunidades who are directly experiencing air pollution and the impacts of climate change now,ā€ said Chispa Senior Director Estefany Carrasco-GonzĆ”lez. ā€œWe know zero-tailpipe emission school buses are better for our niƱos, our planet, and spur local economies by helping create good union jobs. These grants will help school districts meet the overwhelming demand for clean bus fleet funding and replace aging diesel buses while investing in our childrenā€™s futures.ā€ ###

LCV and Chispa Statements on Latest Biden-Harris Administration Transportation Announcements Read More Ā»

Chispa Statement on Election Results

Statement from Chispa Senior Director Estefany Carrasco-GonzĆ”lez on Election Results: ā€œWe are disappointed by the outcome of the presidential election, yet we will persist and continue to fight for our comunidades. Under the new Trump Administration, Chispa will continue to work nationally and with our frontline communities in Chispa states to safeguard environmental protections and fight for a better climate for our communities and our children.  We all deserve clean air, water, and communities. We will not stop organizing for a better and cleaner future and will work to protect all our families, neighborhoods, and the climate progress already made in the most impacted communities.ā€

Chispa Statement on Election Results

ICYMI: Gulf residents, community members, and church leaders urge the Department of Energy to protect their communities at Peopleā€™s Hearing on LNG

Chispa Texas, a program of the League of Conservation Voters, convened a Peopleā€™s Hearing on the Environmental Justice Impacts of LNG to offer community members a chance to give public testimony as the Department of Energy (DOE) reviews and updates the data and analysis used in its Public Interest Determination to review LNG export license applications. 

ICYMI: Gulf residents, community members, and church leaders urge the Department of Energy to protect their communities at Peopleā€™s Hearing on LNG Read More Ā»

Chispa and LCV Statements On Fourth Round of EPA Clean School Bus Program Investments

For Immediate Release September 26, 2024 Contact: Jessie Cohen, Elena Gaona,, 202-907-9717   Washington, D.C. ā€” In response to todayā€™s announcement from the Biden-Harris administration of a fourth investment of nearly $1 billion in clean school buses from the EPA Clean School Bus Program 2024 Rebates, Chispa and the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) released the following statements: ā€œWe celebrate this new round of nearly $1 billion in funding for the EPA Clean School Bus program, which has been very successful in delivering cleaner buses for kids and cleaner air for the communities most harmed by toxic transportation fumes and other pollutants in their neighborhoods for far too long,ā€ said Chispa Senior Director Estefany Carrasco-GonzĆ”lez. ā€œAlready, the EPAā€™s Clean School Bus Program has more than tripled the number of zero-emission electric school buses in the country, and with todayā€™s announcement, will continue to offer an equitable opportunity for all families, parents, students, and communities to get support in improving the quality of the air they breathe and the health of our children. We look forward to working to ensure this funding reaches our communities.ā€  *** ā€œThe EPAā€™s Clean School Bus Program is already bringing safer, healthier air to children across the country, and this new funding will allow even more school districts to replace their dirty diesel school buses with clean, electric models,ā€ said LCV Government Affairs Advocate on Climate Change & Clean Energy Darien Davis. ā€œThe Biden-Harris administration continues to roll out critical investments from the affordable clean energy plan that help put cleaner air in reach for more students, tackle climate change, and help school districts buy books and pay teachers instead of allowing Big Oil to poison their communities, especially communities of color and communities with low wealth, with toxic diesel pollution.  We encourage schools to apply for support for electric school buses to get cleaner rides for their kids and we look forward to continuing to work with the Biden-Harris administration and the EPA to encourage investments in communities facing the worst air pollution and with the fewest resources to clean up their air.ā€ ###

Chispa and LCV Statements On Fourth Round of EPA Clean School Bus Program Investments Read More Ā»

Utility Watch Nevadaā€™ Demands Greater Accountability from Energy Utilities

Frustrated by high energy bills and air pollution, a new effort empowers Nevadans to stand up to monopoly-owned utilities NEVADA ā€” Today, community and environmental advocates launched ā€˜Utility Watch Nevadaā€™ to demand greater accountability and transparency from NV Energy and Southwest Gas. The campaign reflects and builds on the frustrations of customers who are tired of inaction after repeatedly calling out volatile methane (natural) gas price spikes, unfair rate increases, and frivolous utility spending like paying for employee bonuses or a new gas plant, the first in nearly 15 years. Utility Watch will empower customers to demand action from Nevadaā€™s energy utilities to meet their clean energy commitments while advocating for utility reforms that reduce pollution and provide real rate relief for hard-working families. Utility Watch Nevada is led by the Nevada Conservation League in partnership with Chispa Nevada, CHR, Inc. (Caring, Helping, Restoring Lives), Faith In Action Nevada, Faith Organizing Alliance, For Our Future Nevada, Moms Clean Air Force, and Solar United Neighbors. Utility Watch Nevada aims to: Expose tactics by NV Energy and Southwest Gas that hinder efforts to reduce pollution, make clean energy progress, and lower customer bills. Educate customers and community members about the impacts of utility energy decisions on their families and how to help shape a cleaner, safer, and healthier energy future. Mobilize and empower customers to demand stronger clean energy policies and regulations that ensure transparency, accountability, clean energy and energy efficiency, and affordable bills. Promote clear and fair rules that protect customers from unjust utility tactics and safeguard our communities from pollution. The campaign includes a petition empowering NV Energy and Southwest Gas customers to demand affordable, reliable, and clean energy. ā€œIt is unfair for these monopoly companies to increase their profits and continue polluting in a way that costs us all,ā€ the petition states. ā€œWe are counting on our utility regulators and policymakers to end this and protect struggling families and businessesā€¦Nevada families, not corporations and their Wall Street shareholders, must come first.ā€ Utility Watch Nevada partners agree: ā€œUtilities must prioritize the needs of their customers over their profits. While NV Energy and Southwest Gas report record profits, families and small businesses are left grappling with exorbitant energy bills that are driven by soaring methane gas costs and unchecked spending,ā€ said Kristee Watson, Executive Director of Nevada Conservation League. ā€œItā€™s time to stop investing in outdated, expensive, and polluting energy sources and prioritize smarter investments in local clean energy and energy efficiency.ā€ ā€œCorporate greed is forcing Nevada working families to choose between paying for groceries or paying their utility bills, and we need urgent relief,ā€ said Audrey Peral, Program Director for Chispa Nevada. ā€œLatine families already pay disproportionately higher bills and live in areas with the worst pollution and hottest temperatures. So long as NV Energy and Southwest Gas are relying on dirty and volatile gas, our families will continue to suffer. Enough is enough. The community is demanding change. Utility Watch Nevada is one way to hold corporate utilities accountable to a clean, healthy, and affordable future for all Nevadans.ā€ “As a faith leader and community advocate, I see firsthand the struggles our communities face due to rising energy costs and air pollution, especially low- and fixed-income households. It’s disheartening to see monopoly utilities prioritize profits over the well-being of Nevada families,ā€ said Dr. Mary House of CHR, Inc. ā€œNV Energy and Southwest Gas must be held accountable for their costly decisions that drive our bills up. We must demand the transparency and fairness our friends, neighbors, and loved ones deserve. We have a moral obligation to ensure that all Nevadans, regardless of income, have access to clean and affordable energy. We must stand up to unjust utility practices that disproportionately affect our most vulnerable residents.” ā€œNevadans deserve affordable, reliable energy. We must hold utility companies accountable for their failures to meet those needs,ā€ said Shaunda Johnson, Executive Director of Faith In Action Nevada. ā€œOur communities, especially those already facing racial and economic injustice, cannot afford to shoulder the rising costs and pollution resulting from NV Energy and Southwest Gasā€™s outdated and harmful practices. Utility Watch Nevada will help foster the process by which people have the power to ensure transparency, accountability, and clean energy solutions. Together, we will build a future where all Nevadans have access to affordable, clean, and reliable energy, aligning with our shared values of justice, equity, and love.ā€ ā€œI am deeply disappointed, frustrated, and saddened by the soaring energy bills and the pervasive air pollution impacting our communities,ā€™ā€™ said Pastor Marlon of Faith Organizing Alliance. ā€œThis new effort empowers Nevadans to stand up to monopoly-owned utilities, demanding greater accountability and transparency from NV Energy and Southwest Gas. We believe that residents deserve affordable, clean energy and a voice in how these utilities operate. Our alliance is committed to ensuring that these corporations prioritize the well-being of the people they serve. Together, we can create a more just and clean energy future for Nevada.” For the past few years, Nevadans have suffered under soaring utility bills and ever-hazier skies while Southwest Gas and NV Energy pad their record profit margins and further commit themselves to dirty, expensive fossil fuels,ā€ said Jarrett Clark, Communications Director at For Our Future Nevada. ā€œFrom installing rooftop solar to reducing their usage through energy efficiency, Nevada families have gone to great lengths to save money on their energy bills and reduce pollution. But those efforts have been no match for the utilitiesā€™ unchecked corporate greed. Weā€™re proud to join Utility Watch Nevada and empower working families to demand the affordable rates and clean air they deserve.ā€ “At Momā€™s Clean Air Force, we are committed to holding utilities accountable for their impact on our environment and the health of our families. We believe that transparency and responsibility are crucial in ensuring clean air and a sustainable future for our children,ā€ said Mary Wagner, Moms Clean Air Force Nevada Organizer. ā€œThis campaign is an essential step toward demanding accountability and driving meaningful change in the way utilities operate, ultimately safeguarding the well-being of our communities and the planet.” “In a state as sunny as Nevada, every family should be able to reap the benefits of local solar power,” said Bret Fanshaw, West Region Director of Solar United Neighbors. “Unfortunately, Nevada utilities continue to show they will protect their profits and monopoly status over the rights of their customers to go solar. We support Utility Watch Nevada in order to help protect consumers and hold utilities accountable.” Learn more at   ### About Utility Watch Nevada Utility Watch Nevada is a project of community and conservation organizations in Nevada.

Utility Watch Nevadaā€™ Demands Greater Accountability from Energy Utilities Read More Ā»

LCV and Chispa Respond to MAGA Republican Efforts to Suppress Voters in Continuing Resolution

Washington, D.C. ā€” Today, in response to extreme MAGA Republicansā€™ attempt to disenfranchise and suppress voters by attaching the SAVE Act to a government funding bill, the League of Conservation Voters and Chispa issued the following statements: ā€œExtreme MAGA Republicans continue to attack our democracy and our freedom to vote by attempting to create even more barriers for eligible voters to exercise their rights at the ballot box instead of fulfilling their foundational responsibility of funding the government,ā€ said LCV Senior Government Affairs Advocate David Shadburn. ā€œTrump is now recklessly calling for a government shutdown if extreme MAGA Republicans donā€™t get their racist voter suppression bill that would undermine election integrity by making voting harder for millions of eligible voters. A MAGA shutdown would harm our communities and protections for our health and our planet, and only benefits those trying to enact the extreme Project 2025 agenda. Congress must get serious and pass a clean short-term continuing resolution into the lame duck.ā€ *** ā€œThe SAVE Act is unnecessary and dangerous. It promotes false claims about election interference and erodes the integrity of our democratic process by suppressing eligible voters and casting doubt on a system that is already secure. This legislation and the rhetoric of its proponents are making our immigrant communities and communities of color further targets of hate. We are already facing numerous voter suppression and intimidation efforts, not only from extremist groups but even from our own government officials,ā€ said Chispa Senior Director Estefany Carrasco-GonzĆ”lez. ā€œSuch targeting, lies, and elevated hate speech about our Latinx communities are promoting a dangerous narrative that threatens to suppress our vote and threatens our safety across the country. The SAVE Act does nothing to help protect our communities and does nothing for election integrity. It only contributes to more eligible Americans having difficulty registering to vote and casting their ballots. Congress has a responsibility to safeguard our nationā€™s elections and make voting more accessible to all voters. They must continue to reject this legislation in all its forms and not perpetuate myths that put us in danger.ā€ ###

LCV and Chispa Respond to MAGA Republican Efforts to Suppress Voters in Continuing Resolution Read More Ā»

Chispa Nevada Launches New Website to Amplify Growing Climate Justice Efforts in Nevadaā€™s Latine Communities

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Carolina Chacon,, 702-810-7155 Elena Gaona,, 202-907-9717   September 10, 2024 Chispa Nevada Launches New Website to Amplify Growing Climate Justice Efforts in Nevadaā€™s Latine Communities Las Vegas, NVā€”Chispa Nevada, founded in 2016 to grow the power of Latine communities across Nevada so all families can enjoy clean air, clean energy, and a healthy and sustainable climate, today announced the launch of its new website, The bilingual site is an accessible hub for community members and partners to learn about Chispa Nevadaā€™s campaigns, find resources on climate programs reducing household costs and creating jobs, and take action to become environmental leaders. Chispa Nevada is a program of the League of Conservation Voters. ā€œLatine communities in Nevada are often neglected in decision-making related to our environment, despite our families facing the worst impacts of climate change, from dangerous heat to polluted neighborhoods,ā€ said Chispa Nevada Program Director Audrey Peral. ā€œChispa Nevada is changing that by developing environmental leaders and growing our collective power. We are proud to launch our new website to share our membersā€™ stories, help them find resources, and recruit more Nevadans as we fight to improve our air quality, lower utility bills, and advance climate justice in our state.ā€ The new website features: Campaign overviews. Learn more about ongoing campaigns and how Chispa Nevada is creating a healthier, more sustainable Nevada, including work on:  Clean Buses for Healthy NiƱos: Since 2016, Chispa members have pushed to electrify our school bus fleets and protect our childrenā€™s health. Learn more about our successes and how you can support a clean ride for kids! Nevada Solar For All: Learn about new programs providing low-income families and renters access to low-cost solar energy and lower electricity bills. Upcoming Events: Find out about upcoming events, including trainings, committee meetings, workshops, cultural events, lobby days, and more. Petitions & Actions: Sign the latest petitions and find ways to take action on environmental campaigns.  Visitors can read and be inspired by stories about Chispa Nevada members and the organizationā€™s impact in the community, and can also quickly join Chispa Nevada to stay up to date on the latest and learn how to stay involved. ### Chispa Nevada is a program of the League of Conservation Voters that builds the power of Latine communities to fight for climate justice.

Chispa Nevada Launches New Website to Amplify Growing Climate Justice Efforts in Nevadaā€™s Latine Communities Read More Ā»

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