Chispa Texas Statement on Governor Abbott’s Inhumane Border Actions

Corpus Christi, TX — In response to Governor Greg Abbott’s directive to order border security officials to use inhumane measures, Chispa Texas released a statement from Program Director Elida Castillo:

“Governor Abbott’s inhumane directive to mistreat those seeking asylum at the border contradicts his stance on life. We condemn actions that further jeopardize and cause harm to the lives of migrants and refugees. As extreme temperatures continue to rise, he sends the guard to act as judges, jury, and executioners rather than sending assistance. This is not the behavior of a person who values life. These are the actions of an extremist acting above the law for political gain at the expense of people fleeing political violence and climate disasters. We urge the federal government to step in to stop this inhumane treatment of human beings, including children. Our comunidades deserve to be treated with dignity, and Chispa is committed to fighting for a more just and equitable future for all.”


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