LCV and Chispa Statements On Latest MAGA Attempts to Subvert Voting Rights

For Immediate Release

July 10, 2024

Contact: Mika Hyer,, 940-783-2230

En Español: Elena Gaona,, 202-907-9717

LCV and Chispa Statements On Latest MAGA Attempts to Subvert Voting Rights

Washington, D.C.— In response to today’s House vote on the SAVE Act, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) and Chispa issued the following statements:

“This anti-voter legislation would make the right to vote harder to exercise for millions of eligible voters while providing no additional security to our election systems,” said LCV Senior Director of Civic Engagement Hilda Nucete. “Every voter in every community, no matter their race, identity, ability, age, or zip code deserves to vote without intimidation or unnecessary  barriers. This bill creates yet another intimidating, confusing, and unnecessary hurdle for eligible voters to exercise their fundamental right. The Senate must reject this baseless, racially motivated, fear-mongering bill and pass crucial and proven voting rights legislation like the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, the Freedom to Vote Act, and statehood for the people of Washington, D.C. to protect voting rights instead of dismantling them.”


“Our democracy works best when all citizens can participate. Instead, the SAVE Act scapegoats immigrant communities, including in large part Latine communities, and seeks to take away the power of eligible voters,” said Chispa Senior Director Estefany Carrasco-González. “Requiring Americans to provide a certified birth certificate or a passport to register to vote places an unnecessary burden on eligible voters and disproportionately affects low-income citizens, women, the elderly, those with disabilities, and communities of color. Our elections are already secure and we will continue the work to protect all our rights for a healthy democracy, including our ability to have fair representation and to tackle the climate crisis that is affecting our communities directly.”


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