Utility Watch Nevada’ Demands Greater Accountability from Energy Utilities

Frustrated by high energy bills and air pollution, a new effort empowers Nevadans to stand up to monopoly-owned utilities

NEVADA — Today, community and environmental advocates launched ‘Utility Watch Nevada’ to demand greater accountability and transparency from NV Energy and Southwest Gas. The campaign reflects and builds on the frustrations of customers who are tired of inaction after repeatedly calling out volatile methane (natural) gas price spikes, unfair rate increases, and frivolous utility spending like paying for employee bonuses or a new gas plant, the first in nearly 15 years.

Utility Watch will empower customers to demand action from Nevada’s energy utilities to meet their clean energy commitments while advocating for utility reforms that reduce pollution and provide real rate relief for hard-working familiesUtility Watch Nevada is led by the Nevada Conservation League in partnership with Chispa Nevada, CHR, Inc. (Caring, Helping, Restoring Lives), Faith In Action Nevada, Faith Organizing Alliance, For Our Future Nevada, Moms Clean Air Force, and Solar United Neighbors.

Utility Watch Nevada aims to:

  • Expose tactics by NV Energy and Southwest Gas that hinder efforts to reduce pollution, make clean energy progress, and lower customer bills.

  • Educate customers and community members about the impacts of utility energy decisions on their families and how to help shape a cleaner, safer, and healthier energy future.

  • Mobilize and empower customers to demand stronger clean energy policies and regulations that ensure transparency, accountability, clean energy and energy efficiency, and affordable bills.

  • Promote clear and fair rules that protect customers from unjust utility tactics and safeguard our communities from pollution.

The campaign includes a petition empowering NV Energy and Southwest Gas customers to demand affordable, reliable, and clean energy.

“It is unfair for these monopoly companies to increase their profits and continue polluting in a way that costs us all,” the petition states. “We are counting on our utility regulators and policymakers to end this and protect struggling families and businesses…Nevada families, not corporations and their Wall Street shareholders, must come first.”

Utility Watch Nevada partners agree:

“Utilities must prioritize the needs of their customers over their profits. While NV Energy and Southwest Gas report record profits, families and small businesses are left grappling with exorbitant energy bills that are driven by soaring methane gas costs and unchecked spending,” said Kristee Watson, Executive Director of Nevada Conservation League. “It’s time to stop investing in outdated, expensive, and polluting energy sources and prioritize smarter investments in local clean energy and energy efficiency.”

Corporate greed is forcing Nevada working families to choose between paying for groceries or paying their utility billsand we need urgent relief,” said Audrey Peral, Program Director for Chispa Nevada. “Latine families already pay disproportionately higher bills and live in areas with the worst pollution and hottest temperatures. So long as NV Energy and Southwest Gas are relying on dirty and volatile gas, our families will continue to suffer. Enough is enough. The community is demanding change. Utility Watch Nevada is one way to hold corporate utilities accountable to a clean, healthy, and affordable future for all Nevadans.”

“As a faith leader and community advocate, I see firsthand the struggles our communities face due to rising energy costs and air pollution, especially low- and fixed-income households. It’s disheartening to see monopoly utilities prioritize profits over the well-being of Nevada families,” said Dr. Mary House of CHR, Inc. “NV Energy and Southwest Gas must be held accountable for their costly decisions that drive our bills up. We must demand the transparency and fairness our friends, neighbors, and loved ones deserve. We have a moral obligation to ensure that all Nevadans, regardless of income, have access to clean and affordable energy. We must stand up to unjust utility practices that disproportionately affect our most vulnerable residents.”

Nevadans deserve affordable, reliable energy. We must hold utility companies accountable for their failures to meet those needs,” said Shaunda Johnson, Executive Director of Faith In Action Nevada. “Our communities, especially those already facing racial and economic injustice, cannot afford to shoulder the rising costs and pollution resulting from NV Energy and Southwest Gas’s outdated and harmful practices. Utility Watch Nevada will help foster the process by which people have the power to ensure transparency, accountability, and clean energy solutions. Together, we will build a future where all Nevadans have access to affordable, clean, and reliable energy, aligning with our shared values of justice, equity, and love.”

“I am deeply disappointed, frustrated, and saddened by the soaring energy bills and the pervasive air pollution impacting our communities,’’ said Pastor Marlon of Faith Organizing Alliance. “This new effort empowers Nevadans to stand up to monopoly-owned utilities, demanding greater accountability and transparency from NV Energy and Southwest Gas. We believe that residents deserve affordable, clean energy and a voice in how these utilities operate. Our alliance is committed to ensuring that these corporations prioritize the well-being of the people they serve. Together, we can create a more just and clean energy future for Nevada.”

For the past few years, Nevadans have suffered under soaring utility bills and ever-hazier skies while Southwest Gas and NV Energy pad their record profit margins and further commit themselves to dirty, expensive fossil fuels,” said Jarrett Clark, Communications Director at For Our Future Nevada. “From installing rooftop solar to reducing their usage through energy efficiency, Nevada families have gone to great lengths to save money on their energy bills and reduce pollution. But those efforts have been no match for the utilities’ unchecked corporate greedWe’re proud to join Utility Watch Nevada and empower working families to demand the affordable rates and clean air they deserve.”

“At Mom’s Clean Air Force, we are committed to holding utilities accountable for their impact on our environment and the health of our familiesWe believe that transparency and responsibility are crucial in ensuring clean air and a sustainable future for our children,” said Mary Wagner, Moms Clean Air Force Nevada Organizer. “This campaign is an essential step toward demanding accountability and driving meaningful change in the way utilities operate, ultimately safeguarding the well-being of our communities and the planet.”

“In a state as sunny as Nevada, every family should be able to reap the benefits of local solar power,” said Bret Fanshaw, West Region Director of Solar United Neighbors. “Unfortunately, Nevada utilities continue to show they will protect their profits and monopoly status over the rights of their customers to go solar. We support Utility Watch Nevada in order to help protect consumers and hold utilities accountable.”

Learn more at UtilityWatchNV.org.



About Utility Watch Nevada

Utility Watch Nevada is a project of community and conservation organizations in Nevadahttps://utilitywatchnv.org/

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