Press Release

LCV and Chispa TX Statement on FERC approval of LNG projects

Contact: Kyra Madunich-Arevalo, In response to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) 3-1 vote to approve the permits for the Rio Grande LNG and Texas LNG projects in Brownsville, Chispa Texas and the League of Conservation Voters issued the following statements: “Despite numerous visits, calls, petitions, and online campaigns spearheaded by residents of the Rio Grande Valley and members of the Carrizo Comecrudo Tribe of Texas demanding that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission deny these LNG facilities, we learned that these actions once again fell on deaf ears. The Biden administration made a commitment to environmental justice, and these approvals of fracked gas export facilities are directly counter to those commitments. We are suffering a climate crisis that is being accelerated by methane emissions. LNG is not the answer and neither are the greenwashed “solutions” that are being funded by our tax dollars. Our communities and planet deserve better,” said Elida Castillo, Chispa Texas Program Director. “We are incredibly disappointed that FERC continues to approve fossil fuel projects that are counter to the Biden Administration’s climate and environmental justice commitments. The approvals of these LNG projects in the Gulf will not only impact our ability to tackle climate change, but they will have devastating impact on frontline communities that continue to shoulder the burden of fossil fuel development,” said Leah Donahey, Senior Federal Advocacy Campaigns Director at the League of Conservation Voters.  ###

LCV and Chispa TX Statement on FERC approval of LNG projects Read More »

LCV and Chispa LCV Statement on EPA’s Heavy Duty Trucks Rule and Updated Clean Car Standards

Contact: Kyra Madunich-Arevalo, Washington D.C. – In response to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) releasing proposed rules to reduce emissions from heavy-duty vehicles and light- and medium-duty cars and SUVs, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) and Chispa LCV issued the following statements: “This is a positive step and LCV appreciates that EPA is limiting emissions from cars, SUVs, and medium- and heavy-duty trucks, which harm public health and disproportionately impact low-income communities and communities of color,” said Matthew Davis, Vice President of Federal Policy. “We’re all in to ensure the final rules are even stronger – the EPA must do more to address harmful emissions from cars and trucks, the largest source of climate pollution. Federal clean energy investments are spurring the innovation we need, and stronger final rules will ensure that vehicle manufacturers go farther and faster to drive us to a zero-emissions transportation future. Now is the time to ensure that federal regulations are made as strong as the climate crisis and public health crises require.” “Chispa LCV welcomes this new proposal and more must be done to strengthen clean car standards and better regulate the deadly emissions that heavy-duty trucks emit,” said Senior Vice President of Community and Civic Engagement Sandra Pérez González. “Communities of color and low income communities living near the shipping, freight, and delivery industries’ hubs are especially burdened with the devastating effects diesel trucks have on respiratory health. In order to deliver on President Biden’s commitments, EPA must finalize stronger rules to help ensure that all communities, especially those on the frontlines of environmental injustice, have access to clean air.” # # #

LCV and Chispa LCV Statement on EPA’s Heavy Duty Trucks Rule and Updated Clean Car Standards Read More »

Despite Community Concerns with Gas Prices and Pollution, NV Energy Opening a New Gas Peaker Plant

Media Contact: Carolina Chacon | | 702-810-7155 While the community continues to support a transition to low-cost clean energy, NV Energy doubles down on costly fossil fuels LAS VEGAS – Yesterday, after an expedited process that included little to no community input, NV Energy’s Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) to build a new methane gas plant received the approval of the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (PUCN). The 440 MW Silverhawk Peaking Plant will be the first gas plant added by NV Energy since 2014. “We are deeply disappointed in the PUCN’s quick approval of NV Energy’s disastrous proposal to open a new polluting gas plant,” said Estefany Carrasco Gonzalez, Chispa National Director. “This decision will hinder Nevada’s ability to transition to our stated goals of achieving 50% renewable energy by 2030, and it will put consumers on the hook paying for costly new fossil fuel infrastructure that will accelerate the climate crisis. Worse yet, out-of-control gas prices have already hurt our families’ ability to budget for basic living expenses.”  “Just last month, Latinx consumers told the PUCN that they can’t afford to keep up with the rising costs of gas and want to see more investments in low-cost clean and renewable energy,” said Juan Carlos Guardado, Chispa Nevada organizer. “NV Energy doubling down on gas is wrong for our environment and bad for our pocketbooks.” Methane gas, branded as “natural” gas by the fossil fuel industry, releases potent greenhouse gasses that are more powerful and more polluting than carbon dioxide. Peaker plants like this one are disproportionately located near or in low-income communities and communities of color, exposing families to deadly toxins that poison our health and our environment. Methane gas is also imported from out of state, sidelining Nevada’s vast solar and clean energy potential.  “The rushed approval for NV Energy’s IRP reveals a broken planning process that ignores consumer concerns with methane gas and with fossil fuels generally,” continued Carrasco Gonzalez. “We urge the PUCN, NV Energy and other stakeholders to be responsive to our communities and to consider alternative solutions that focus on energy efficiency, reliability and cost-savings, and to account for the environmental and public health consequences of fossil fuels when they plan for and approve new infrastructure.”  ### Chispa Nevada is a program of the League of Conservation Voters that builds the power of Latinx communities to fight for climate justice and our democracy. Visit us at for more information.

Despite Community Concerns with Gas Prices and Pollution, NV Energy Opening a New Gas Peaker Plant Read More »

LCV and CHISPA Applauds EPA Decision to Reaffirm Advanced Clean Truck States’ Authority

For Press Inquiries Nick Abraham 206-833-7021 States across the country can continue to protect public health from heavy-duty truck pollution Washington, D.C. – Today, the Biden-Harris Environmental Protection Agency reversed another anti-environmental Trump policy and restored waivers for California’s clean truck standards. These standards go beyond national clean truck protections and were first adopted in California but have now been passed in Oregon, Washington, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Vermont – covering 20 percent of the medium- and heavy-duty market. In response, League of Conservation Voters (LCV) and Chispa issued the following statements: “We are happy to see Administrator Regan make this crucial decision to allow states to further protect public health and tackle climate pollution from trucks,” said LCV Climate and Clean Energy Advocate Darien Davis. “We know diesel tailpipe emissions are a major source of upper respiratory disease, asthma, and cancer and transportation is the nation’s largest source of climate pollution. State leaders across the country are stepping up to protect their communities. This decision reaffirms their rights to use the tools they need to save lives and fight the climate crisis.” “This is a victory for communities across the country who want to breathe cleaner air and live healthier lives,” said Senior Vice President of Community & Civic Engagement Sandra Peréz González. “States like California have led the way to reduce dangerous diesel pollution. There is much more work to do to ensure every community breathes clean air but this ruling allows state and local elected officials the opportunity to step up and lead.”

LCV and CHISPA Applauds EPA Decision to Reaffirm Advanced Clean Truck States’ Authority Read More »

LCV and Chispa Slam Republican-led House Passage of Polluters Over People Act

Contact: Emily Samsel,, 828-713-9647 Washington, D.C. – In response to the Republican-controlled House’s passage of the Polluters Over People Act, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) and Chispa issued the following statements: LCV Vice President of Government Affairs Sara Chieffo: “House Republicans just passed their biggest legislative priority — a disgraceful package of bills that will raise costs, perpetuate the climate crisis, and worsen environmental injustice. Who wins in this bill? Big Oil CEOs that are already raking in sky high profits at our expense. The Polluters Over People Act would lock the country into harmful fossil fuel production for decades and allow destructive oil and gas pipelines to be built without critical community input. Despite Republicans’ misnomer for the legislation, the Polluters Over People Act will actually raise costs for consumers, including by ending popular, cost-saving clean energy rebates and investments, and it would raise the deficit to boot. Put simply, this package will enrich Big Oil CEOs at the expense of communities, especially communities of color, who are disproportionately exposed to health-harming toxic pollution.” Senior Vice President of Community and Civic Engagement Sandra Pérez González: “Chispa LCV condemns the passage of this destructive energy package that does not offer real solutions to high energy costs and would lock us into decades of dirty fossil fuels, perpetuate the climate crisis, and cut out our communities from the process. The last thing our communities need is more dirty and dangerous pollution in the air where we work, play, live, learn, and spend time with our families. The extreme MAGA Republican-controlled House is completely out of step with the vast majority of people in this country who support affordable, clean energy.” # # #

LCV and Chispa Slam Republican-led House Passage of Polluters Over People Act Read More »

Chispa Nevada and Clean Air Advocates Applaud $10 Million EPA Award for  Clark County School District to Purchase 25 Electric School Buses EPA Clean School Bus Rebates Funding a Clean Ride for Kids In All 50 States

LAS VEGAS, Nev. — Today, the U.S. EPA announced that Clark County School District (CCSD)…

Chispa Nevada and Clean Air Advocates Applaud $10 Million EPA Award for  Clark County School District to Purchase 25 Electric School Buses EPA Clean School Bus Rebates Funding a Clean Ride for Kids In All 50 States Read More »

Environmental, Economic Justice Groups Urge Lion Electric to Negotiate Community Benefits Agreement Ahead of New Facility Opening, Electric School Bus Funding

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEJune 23, 2022Contact: Pita Juarez, Chispa LCV | 602-413-4421 | Led by the members of Alliance for Electric School Buses, 21 organizations call on Lion to commit to creating good jobs, local community investments in Joliet, IL NATIONAL, JUNE 23, 2022 – As Lion Electric, the largest multinational company that specializes in electric school buses, prepares for production to begin at their new U.S.-based facility in Joliet, Illinois, a coalition of 21 organizations is urging the company to negotiate a community benefits agreement to show their commitment to residents and workers. Lion Electric stands to profit from the federal infrastructure bill and additional state funding programs and tax incentives for electric school buses. A letter spearheaded by members of the Alliance for Electric Schools Buses, including Chispa, Earthjustice, Jobs to Move America, League of Conservation Voters, Moms Clean Air Force, Sierra Club and more, demands that Lion give the Joliet community a real voice. The organizations want to ensure inclusive hiring, training, and promotion for low-income workers of color and other workers from underrepresented communities, that local residents have the opportunity to work at Lion, and that workers have a fair process to decide on union representation in order to create good-paying jobs with family-sustaining benefits. “Fundamental to our work is ensuring that the transition to electric school buses is centered on equity and justice,” the letter reads. “Core to that is knowing that families need access to stable careers with good wages, quality health care, adequate paid time off, and respect in the workplace.”  “As we work to electrify our school bus fleets, it is imperative that low-income communities of color who have been historically excluded from the manufacturing industry benefit from this transition,” said Johana Vicente, Chispa National Senior Director. “This is a major opportunity for Lion Electric to work with us to ensure that they recruit, hire, train and promote manufacturing workers from these communities, and that those workers can freely decide on joining a union. This opportunity to meet community jobs and environmental standards shouldn’t be missed.”  In the letter, which was sent to Canada-based Lion Electric earlier this year, the coalition requested a meeting to discuss entering into a Community Benefits Agreement that centers the needs of workers and the environment. Lion Electric has not yet agreed to this request, raising concerns among prominent labor and environmental leaders.  Tycee Bell, a community organizer with JMA in Illinois, said, “My number one priority is to build relationships for a community benefits agreement between Lion and leaders from Joliet’s grassroots and faith-based sectors. Lion needs to show up as doing good for the people of Joliet. Lion has a chance right now to get it right—for our families, and for the future of our workforce to really impact the next generation. We’re building a coalition, and we want to stand together with Lion and negotiate an agreement that creates real pathways to union jobs for people who have been left behind too many times.” In May 2021, Lion Electric announced it would be opening a new manufacturing facility in Joliet, Illinois, making the location its first U.S.-based electric vehicle production facility. Lion Electric has been a manufacturer of zero-emission vehicles since 2011, with the new facility expected to produce more than 10,000 vehicles per year. The development will have a significant impact on the local economy and set the tone for the future of auto industry and climate standards. Chispa, Sierra Club, Jobs to Move America and other groups organizing across the economic, climate, environmental, and racial justice movements, have mobilized in recent months to shed light on the opportunity to bring good jobs to the growing electric vehicle sector.  Katherine García from Sierra Club said, “Our environmental activism is grounded in solidarity, compassion, and justice. That’s why we’re fighting for electric school buses, so that kids can breathe clean air on their way to school and look forward to a bright climate future–and that’s why we’re urging Lion to negotiate a community benefits agreement. Manufacturing workers deserve good wages and benefits, safe working conditions, and a voice on the job through collective bargaining. Electrifying the school bus fleet and securing economic justice can and must go hand in hand. All members of the Joliet community, including women, people of color, formerly incarcerated people, and veterans should have a chance to be hired, trained, and promoted into these family-sustaining careers.” In May, the American Federation of Teachers and United Auto Workers announced a collaborative effort to advocate for union-built electric school buses for the nation’s schools, calling on school districts, as well as state and local governments, to demand that the buses they are procuring during this nationwide transition be union-built. United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA), a joint National Education Association-AFT affiliate, was one of the first local unions to demand this, recently submitting a bargaining proposal calling on LAUSD to move to 100% electric by 2035, and to do so using buses built by well-paid workers in factories with safe and fair working conditions. If successful, it will mean the district prioritizes the purchase of buses manufactured with high-road labor practices that invest in a highly skilled, well-compensated, and diverse workforce to promote innovation and quality, as is the case at Thomas Built Buses’ factory in High Point, North Carolina. Community benefits agreements are becoming more common as cities and states seek to provide clean air for their residents and slow down climate change while creating good, family-sustaining jobs for their communities. Jobs to Move America has successfully secured agreements with several transit vehicle manufacturers, including CRRC in Chicago, Proterra in Los Angeles, BYD in Lancaster, California, and in May 2022 announced its fourth–and largest–CBA to date, with bus manufacturer New Flyer’s factories in Ontario, California and Anniston, Alabama. The effort also comes at a time when some electric vehicle manufacturers such as Amazon-backed Rivian have come under fire for their environmental impact and for failing to adopt a fair process for employees to decide

Environmental, Economic Justice Groups Urge Lion Electric to Negotiate Community Benefits Agreement Ahead of New Facility Opening, Electric School Bus Funding Read More »

Chispa Texas Releases Statement In Response To Mass Shooting At Robb Elementary School In Uvalde, Texas

Contact: Pita Juarez | | (602) 413-4421 Corpus Christi — Today, in response to the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde Texas, Elida Castillo, Program Director of Chispa Texas, a program of Chispa LCV building the political power of Tejanos, released the following statement:  “Today, we learned of yet another mass shooting, and this one hit closer to home. Multiple children, a teacher, a grandmother, and the gunman are dead, and at least 18 more are injured. Chispa Texas stands in solidarity with our familia in Uvalde, Texas who is suffering an unbearable tragedy. Our hearts go out to the families who were likely making plans for the summer and are now left to plan funerals instead.   We failed our children today. Our politicians should be creating opportunities and putting books in our children’s hands instead of guns. This will not change until we demand better, because our children deserve better. We need to offer our students more than school shooter drills; we need to offer them safe schools and healthy environments in which to learn and grow. It’s up to Texas leaders to listen to our communities and give them a better future.” ### About Chispa Texas: As a program of Chispa LCV, Chispa Texas builds the power of the Latinx community to fight for a sustainable, equitable future all Tejanos can enjoy. For more information, visit  

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