Press Release

Chispa LCV Statement to the Nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson to the U.S. Supreme Court

Pita Juarez, Chispa LCV | 602-413-4421 |   Washington, DC — In response to President Joe Biden announcement of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson as his nominee to replace Justice Stephen Breyer on the Supreme Court, Chispa National Campaigns Manager Alejandra Ramirez-Zarate, released the following statement: “We applaud President Biden’s decision to nominate Ketanji Brown Jackson as the first Black woman on the Supreme Court. Judge Jackson’s exceptional career and record of service will add much-needed expertise and equity lens to guide the Supreme Court’s decisions. The Supreme Court’s extensive power is critical at a time when civil and human rights, particularly for Black, Indigenous, and people of color, are under attack. We require a Justice for the people. Judge Jackson will add needed insight and impartiality based on legal expertise gained during her decades of experience as a federal appeals court judge, federal district court judge, Vice Chair of the US Sentencing Commission, and federal public defender.” For far too long, Black women have fought for fair recognition, representation, and compensation for their labor. Judge Jackson’s confirmation to the nation’s highest court brings us closer to realizing a democracy that works for all its people, particularly women of color, but we know this is not enough. We need to address socioeconomic disparities and institute critical reforms that facilitate entry and create pathways for Black women into the legal and other fields. Our country will only succeed when we address the intentional and historic neglect and exclusion of Black communities and work to remove barriers through intentional policy-making that addresses those critical needs. Chispa LCV strongly supports Judge Jackson’s nomination and calls on the Senate to provide a speedy and equitable confirmation process.” ###

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Chisaps Bus

Coalition Response to Clean School Bus Act

Electric School Bus Advocates Welcome Re-Introduction of the Clean School Bus Act in Congress as First Step Washington, D.C. — Today, Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV), Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Rep. Jahana Hayes (D-CT), and Rep. Tony Cárdenas (D-CA)  reintroduced the Clean School Bus Act in the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives. Electric school buses advocates — who are part of the national Electric School Bus (ESB) Coalition, a diverse partnership of civil society organizations representing equity, labor, public health, clean energy, and environmental organizations — issued the following statements: Johana Vicente, National Director of Chispa, a community organizing program of the League of Conservation Voters, said:“We thank Senators Cortez Masto and Murray and Representatives Hayes and Cárdenas for leading this effort to help school districts upgrade from diesel-fueled school buses to zero-emission school buses. This is a strong down payment on our way to reaching full electrification of the nation’s school bus fleet. We know that we need so much more to ensure that 25 million children, especially in communities of color and low-income communities, are breathing healthy air on their way to school and in their neighborhoods. We look forward to working together to boost funding to accelerate the transition of the U.S. polluting school bus fleet to zero emissions.” Susan Mudd, Senior Policy Advocate, Environmental Law & Policy Center (ELPC), said:“We look forward to kids getting back to school. The 25 million U.S. children who ride on school buses every day deserve a clean, healthy ride instead of breathing asthma-inducing fumes from dirty diesel buses. We need to replace the dirty diesel fleet with zero-emission electric buses that protect students’ health, their communities and the climate. We welcome the Clean School Bus Act, which will help support the transition to pollution-free electric buses across the Midwest and the country.” Athena Motavvef, Associate Legislative Representative with Earthjustice, said:“Electrifying our nation’s school bus fleet is an important step towards reaching our goal of zero emissions and 100% clean energy. The Clean School Bus Act puts us on the path to eliminating the diesel emissions too many children breathe, and protects our local air and climate. We are thankful for Senator Cortez Masto, Senator Murray, and Representative Hayes’ and Representative Cárdenas’ leadership on this important effort and look forward to working with them to ensure a zero-emissions future for future generations.”  Michelle Romero, National Director of Dream Corps Green For All, said:“Electric school buses have zero tailpipe emissions, toxins, and carcinogens known to cause asthma and cancer, which means our kids can breathe easier,” said Michelle Romero, National Director of Dream Corps Green For All. “The Clean School Bus Act is an important step to put our kids on buses going forward toward a clean energy future that is safer and healthier for both kids and communities as schools reopen for in-person learning.” Ethan Evans, Campaign Associate at U.S. Public Interest Research Group (U.S. PIRG), said:“Getting to school shouldn’t include a daily dose of toxic pollution or contribute to our warming climate. We’re grateful to Senator Cortez Masto, Senator Murray, Representative Hayes and Representative Cardenas for putting childrens’ health first and championing electric school buses. The Clean School Bus Act will help tackle the existential threat of climate change, clean up our air and accelerate the process towards a zero-emission future.” Source:

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